3 Best Lessons I’ve Learned Working from Home

3 Best Lessons I’ve Learned Working from Home

My odd coffee routine changes the way I see life. A work-from-home coffee journal that makes me realize life’s biggest wonders. Working from home gives a lot of advantages to almost every employed individual around. It doesn’t just give a luxury of time for yourself but it gives you some sort of comfort —  the commute hassles, the tardiness fears, the boss’ pressures, and a lot more stressors are somehow lessen or, luckily, crashed out.

I kind of developed a certain pattern working from home for about half a year now. My coffee routine dramatically changed.

cereal in a bowl place in bed. working from home.
Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash.

The casual waking-up coffee sess now an afternoon break

Usually, I would have my coffee right after fajr (Islamic morning prayer), and it’s normally around 4:30 am. That’s on normal working days — well, before the pandemic. It’s the time I read my favorite book and sometimes writes a few lines of poetry for my Instagram or a short journal, like this.

That routine changed when I started working from home. And maybe because I also moved back to my home country, the Philippines, where I live in a different time zone that I used to clock for several years — I just came home eight months ago from the Middle East.

Now that my sleeping routine has changed, so did my coffee. Even on a humid afternoon in the metro, when I wake up at 11:30 am, coffee is waving.

Here are the the 3 Best Lessons I’ve Learned Working from Home:

1.) It helped me become more creatively productive

As a creative person, I tend to be more focused and more sound when I am left alone. Unlike in the office environment that I have to attend to other unnecessary tasks that are sometimes out of my responsibilities.

Another factor that adds up to my productivity is that I can cook and eat fresh food at any weird time I want. Plus, you got to share it with your loved ones.

2.) Flexibility is key

When you have the idea in your mind that your schedule is flexible, it gives more room to your brain on digesting other functions. I believed it’s a contributing factor to becoming more comfortable in terms of measuring the bar on your daily productivity.

What’s best is that you don’t have to worry about heavy traffic and missed your workout routine.

To me, flexibility is a huge deal because, in the office setting, I can’t just easily walk out whenever it’s prayer time. As a Muslim, my day is set to have a five-times-prayer on my to-do list.

3) Working from home is not for everyone

Of course, working from home is a great positive deal. But it doesn’t mean it’s always the best choice. No — not for everyone.

Many of my friends still prefer to work in the office than in their pajamas. I asked them ‘why’ and here are some of what they have to say:

“I always prefer working from the office because I tend to be more acquainted with my tasks on my office desk than on my laptop.”

—Marie Claire, Office Clerk.

“I miss having coffee with my workmates after office. That kind of moment makes me more feel in love with my work and become more productive.”

 — Patrick, Designer

My close friend Zaprollah who was just recently hired and currently onboarding training at home for a BPO company, says:

“I prefer having training in the office than on laptop because all my training mates are new and unfamiliar to me, specially the trainer. It’s always great to be talking to someone fact-to-face so I can easily understand and comprehend them based on their facial expressions.”

How did this pandemic affects your work routine?

Statista, a leading provider of market and consumer data, recorded an unprecedented scale of people losing their jobs. The recent data shows the global record of around 114 million jobs were lost in 2020.

Fortunately, while tens of millions of people are losing their jobs, thousands of people are also taking advantage of the pandemic by starting up their own small businesses.

If you’re one of those affected by the pandemic, or maybe you’re tired of working from home for other people and are wondering if you can also work on your own, maybe it’s about time to really fasten your seatbelt. It’s not really that hard as you think.

I know a lot of people who used the advantage of this pandemic and turned their frustrations into a profitable business. Like for example this one great story of a milk tea aficionado who turned her cafephilia into her own cafe house. Yes, you’re right. She created the milk tea business right in the wake of this pandemic.

Read more about this story: How Milk Tea Addiction Turned to a Sought-After Local Café in the Northern Mindanao

Do you want to start a business but don’t know how, where to start?

So that’s it! I hope I have helped you clear out your mind on something that’s bothering you at the moment, your work or your business. You, how are you dealing with this pandemic and what are the lessons you’ve learned so far?

Share your thoughts in the comments and let’s see what others have to say. In the meantime, I am sending you my warmest congratulations for you have come this really far even in this great adversity. Life is indeed a beautiful thing to have when we know how to handle it with passion and love. No matter what challenges would come, we’re resilient enough to conquer the world.

This is Qassim and have a great day everyone. Please take care. Always!

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