Proven Ways Goal-Centered Websites Boost Your Business Growth

Proven Ways Goal-Centered Websites Boost Your Business Growth

As an experienced web developer and digital marketer, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of goal-centered websites. When you combine a deep understanding of business goals with technical expertise, the results are nothing short of amazing. Let me share some of my experiences to illustrate this point.

Transform your website from a digital brochure to a powerful business tool by focusing on goal-centered design principles.

goal-centered websites

The Importance of Setting Clear Goals

A few years ago, I worked with a small e-commerce business struggling to convert website visitors into customers. Their site looked good, but it wasn’t aligned with their goals. They wanted to increase sales, but their website wasn’t designed to guide users towards making a purchase.

We started by setting clear, measurable goals. The primary goal was to increase online sales by 20% within six months. With this goal in mind, we restructured the website. We focused on a user-friendly layout, clear calls-to-action, and a simplified checkout process.

A Real-Life Transformation

One of my favorite success stories is a local bakery that wanted to expand its online presence. Their initial website was more like an online brochure – it had beautiful pictures of cakes but no clear path for customers to place orders.

We sat down with the bakery owner and discussed their goals. They wanted to boost online orders and capture leads for their cake decorating classes.

Armed with these goals, we redesigned the website to include an easy-to-use online ordering system and a prominent sign-up form for class notifications.

Within three months, their online orders doubled, and their classes were fully booked for the next six months. The key was aligning the website’s design and functionality with the bakery’s specific business goals.

The Role of Analytics in Goal-centered Websites

Another crucial aspect of goal-centered websites is the use of analytics to track progress and make data-driven decisions. For instance, I once worked with a fitness studio that wanted to increase membership sign-ups through their website.

We set up analytics tools to monitor user behavior and identify where potential customers were dropping off.

By analyzing this data, we discovered that many users abandoned the sign-up process at the payment stage. We simplified the payment process and added multiple payment options. The result? A 35% increase in completed sign-ups within two months.

📢Related: How to Respond to Negative Reviews: 9 Tips for Business Owners

Goal-centered Websites: The Technical Expertise Factor

While understanding business goals is essential, technical expertise plays a critical role in bringing these goals to life. I recall working with a tech startup that had a clear goal: to generate leads for their B2B software solution. They needed a website that not only showcased their product but also captured leads effectively.

We integrated advanced features like live chat, downloadable resources, and personalized user experiences based on visitor behavior. This technical finesse, combined with a clear goal of lead generation, resulted in a 50% increase in qualified leads within the first quarter.

Goal-centered websites for growth summary

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with your website. Whether it’s increasing sales, capturing leads, or boosting engagement, clear goals are the foundation of success.
  2. Align Design and Functionality: Your website should guide users towards your goals. Simplify processes, use clear calls-to-action, and ensure the design is user-friendly.
  3. Use Analytics: Regularly monitor and analyze user behavior to identify areas for improvement. Data-driven decisions lead to better outcomes.
  4. Leverage Technical Expertise: Advanced features and seamless functionality can significantly enhance the user experience and drive goal achievement.

To conclude, goal-centered websites are not just about looking good; they are about driving business growth. By combining a deep understanding of your goals with technical expertise, you can create a website that delivers results from day one. If you haven’t already, it’s time to make your website work harder for your business.

Still Undecided About Getting a Website?

If you’re still undecided about getting a website, consider this: a goal-centered website is not just an online presence; it’s a powerful business tool. Without a website, you might be missing out on a vast audience who could be converted into loyal customers.

The right website can help you achieve specific business goals, whether it’s increasing sales, capturing leads, or building brand awareness.

Think about the bakery that doubled its online orders or the fitness studio that boosted sign-ups by 35%. These successes were possible because their websites were designed with clear goals in mind.

In case you’re still overthinking in getting a website for your business, I’ve highlighted a few reasons why every business needs a website on a separate blog. Please check them. It will be really helpful on your decision making.

Creating a goal-centered website has been a game-changer for many of my clients, and it can be for you too. Start by setting clear goals, align your design and functionality, use analytics to guide your decisions, and don’t underestimate the power of technical expertise. Your website should be a powerful tool in achieving your business objectives.

Let me help you decide in getting your website drive more sales!

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7 Practical Reasons Why You Need a Website for Your Business

7 Practical Reasons Why You Need a Website for Your Business

It doesn’t matter if your business is small or you own a large enterprise. The truth is, you need to scale up your game. Now, many people are asking, ‘Do I need a website for my business?’ In this post, I’ll be sharing with you 7 practical reasons why you need a website for your business.

So, you have probably read a lot about this for I suppose you are searching on this topic because you are confused about whether you need to have a website for your business or not. No worries, without further ado, here are the 7 super practical reasons why you need a website for your business. Here we go.

a man smiling using his phone. successful people.

7 Practical Reasons Why
You Need a Website for Your Business

1. Around 2.05 billion people worldwide purchase goods online

The growth of online shopping is simply impressive. The projections of Statista, a leading global business data platform, in the rise of eCommerce, online shoppers are expected to hit over 2 billion, this year, 2020. This number is so crazy. Why won’t you take of this market advantage?

The world’s population is expected to rise by around 8 billion by 2021. So, the 2 billion online shoppers make 26.28% of the world population. It means that one out of every four people you see or your friends is an online shopper. Yes?

2. Website creates confidence to your customers

Think about it. Would you trust a business without a website? Supposed you have social media pages – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin – but many people don’t just rely on their trust on these platforms. Especially when these platforms are a den of irrelevant information and fake news. A website breaks these norms.

Illustration from Statista.

The 1.8 billion websites shown in Statista data (from 1993 to 2019) are projected to surge at 2% by the end of 2022. Thousands of this websites are your competitors. This data is enough to convince business owners, like you, to settle your business in the digital arena.

In today’s digital-savvy consumers, businesses should take a leap to adapt to the evolving behavior of the buying market. For some uncertain reasons, many customers don’t just give a damn to products from businesses without a website. I have a friend who is addicted to online shopping and I asked him, “Do you buy from Instagram or anywhere else?” He said, “No. I always buy directly on the company’s website.”

3. Your business will show up in Google search

Today, everyone uses Google to search products or companies on the internet; and or pretty much everything. Let’s say, for instance, a friend recommended your product to another friend because it’s great but he forgot the name. The tendency is, that friend would type into Google about his possible guess about your company. The problem, you don’t have any business presence online, his search turns to 0 results. Instead, he found something similar. You lost the opportunity.

Study confirms that around 81% of online shoppers try to do some research before buying a product online. Seriously, I’m also doing this myself. I’m not an avid online buyer but when I do purchase online, I make sure I carefully studied the product including the company to see if it has a good reputation.

See? A website is not just a “www” and your business name with “.com.” It’s your face on the internet. It’s the virtual body and soul of your company where customers can find you when you’re far from them. It’s where customers can reach you when you’re literally out.

4. The Website delivers strong marketing messages

You can be pretty much of your own. You can control your own narratives with your website. In business, we can’t deny the fact that there are some people who want to malign the reputation of your business, especially in social media. Whether it’s about your product, your services, or your staff. How will you counteract these circumstances? Blogs.

By blogging, as I said, you can control your own narratives. You can tell the world your real stories. You can even create an empire of your customers who love your products or services.

Reports say that B2B companies that regularly blog receive around 68% more leads monthly than those companies that do not. A research found out that 57% of marketers gained customers through their blogs and you can only do blogs if you have a website.

5. Website promotes goodwill among your customers and prospects

Your website can be a bridge of a solid community within your market. There are many companies that have turned their website into a social machine where customers can create an online profile and interact with other customers. For owners, this serves as a strong signal to potential buyers.

With a website, you can position your self and stay in control of your brand. It acts as a channel of communication and it can help shape the online perception of your business in a way that other social media platforms cannot provide.

6. Website is not expensive and it’s not hard to have one

The reason why many business owners hesitate to get a website for their business is that they think it’s expensive and they think they need to have a degree in computer engineering to have one. This is wrong. In my previous blog, I wrote Small Businesses Think Branding is Expensive, It’s Wrong. I explained there why it’s wrong.

There are many web development companies that offer minimal cost for building your website. Some agencies offer flexible prices. And if you think of hiring a web developer, it’s not as high as you think. Most companies, especially in the US, Australia and Canada hire web developers remotely so they have the option to pay the cost according to their planned budget – hourly or full time.

For small businesses, you can start a standard plan at a hosting provider of your choice for as low as $3 per month. For medium to large enterprise, you can start with around $6-10 per month. However, these standard hosting plans are just basic. Many web hosting providers offer free domain along with your purchased plan. This is all you need for now.

If you need more advice on how to start a low-cost website, or if you’re confused about hosting plan and which provider is best for your business, please schedule your free assessment with me. Or email me directly at [email protected]. I’d be happy to help you.

7. Website makes more money for your business

A website is not just the virtual face and body of your business, it’s a money-making machine. In the rise of eCommerce integration to business websites, it’s an addition to your actual store.

PipeCandy, a global research analytics platform that tracks eCommerce landscape, estimated in 2019 that there are between 2 million and 3 million e-commerce companies around the world. The statistics show that more and more companies are turning their websites to eCommerce to make more money apart from a typical store income.

In summary, the 7 practical reasons why you need a website for your business are:

  1. Over 2 billion people are purchasing goods online every single day. It’s time to play the game.
  2. Your website is the face of your business in the online world.
  3. You need to show up on Google search results so when people key-in your business name you’re there.
  4. A website is your marketing machine. If you spend on flyers and posters, spend to have a website.
  5. Many customers do research about the product before they purchase, be ahead of your competitors.
  6. It’s not expensive to have a website. There are countless options in the corner.
  7. Your website can be a money-making machine with eCommerce.

Still not convinced if you need a website for your business? Here are some key points to think about:

  • We’re already in an era where cars can fly. Why are you still on black-and-white?
  • Business is a world of competition. You need to get ahead to win the game.
  • Every business needs marketing, a website is the most effective and the best tool to have one.
  • Maximize the power of the internet to leverage the potential of your business.
  • The website is not as expensive as you think, but you still need to invest.
why you need a website for your business

Bonus: Simple Steps on How To Have a Website

Having a website for your business is very simple. You don’t need to have a computer degree to get one. The steps below are for business owners who have little to no knowledge about websites. Please follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Get ready with your domain name.

A domain name is usually the name of your business. It’s the name you’ll register (let’s talk about it later) to have a website address. For example, your business name is “Sylvia Clothing.” When you register this as a domain it will become “” Domain is very important in getting a website for your business.

Step 2: Choose a web hosting plan.

What is a web hosting plan? Web hosting is a service that allows businesses, like yours, to create websites or web pages onto the internet. After you’ve purchased a web hosting plan, your website will be stored or hosted in high-end special computers called the server. Once hosted, your customers or the public can now view your website on the internet using your domain name.

Step 3: Buy the hosting and register your domain.

Doing this, you need to choose which provider is best for you. My personal recommendation is to go with this top 3 hosting providers, Godaddy, Bluehost, Hostgator. (Not affiliate links). Each of these providers have different hosting packages. It’s all up to you to choose which one is best for you.

Please note that these are only recommendations and I hold no affiliation to these links. Actually, you can also have the option to choose other hosting providers where you’re comfortable with. To register the domain and hosting plan, just follow the instructions stipulated with your chosen provider.

Step 4: Setup your website. And boom. You’re done!

This is the tricky part. But don’t worry, most hosting providers like Godaddy, has built-in website builder on all their packages. The builders are usually drag-and-drop that a sixth-grader can easily follow. All you have to do is just prepare first all the contents that you want to put on your website.

Checklist: What are the contents you need to prepare when setting up your website?

  1. Your company logo. Prepare all necessary formats and sizes (JPEG, PNG recommended).
  2. Your company profile. This is for the about age.
  3. Photos and descriptions of products if you plan to set up a store.
  4. Necessary contact details and address, including social media and others.
  5. Others: Testimonials, FAQs, Employees’ Bio, Policies, etc. (Optional).

There you go, you’re all set and you already have the key as to why you need a website for your business!

I hope you find this post helpful and if you have something to add relevant to this topic please don’t hesitate to comment below. And also, suggestions for the next post are welcome. If you need someone to guide you through the process of getting a website for your business, don’t hesitate to contact me.

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